The Hanen Program ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ is a special program for parents of children with language delays. It is taught by speech- and language therapists.
What You Will Learn:
- How to stimulate the language development of your child
- How to reinforce the conditions for an optimal language development
The Program:
- Initial interview at Logopedie Westrand
- Seven group sessions in Amsterdam-West
- Three individual sessions at your home (in which we’ll make video’s of you and your child)
- Final evaluation at Logopedie Westrand
- Follow up group session
- For Who?
Parents of children with language delays
Eligibility Criteria:
- Speech-language disorder (not speaking – 3 word sentences)
- Age: 1 to 6 years old
- A child might have a developmental delay, mental and/or physical disorder or signs of an autistic
spectrum disorder
Information and registration:
- The Hanen Program is paid by the health insurance when you have a referral for speech therapy,
specifically mentioning The Hanen Program, for your child. - Initial interviews and first homevisits will take place within a month
- Registration:
- Call Liesbeth Fabius: 06 – 19 19 62 71 (Mo – Fri), speech therapist/trainer of this program